August Favourites 2015

August’s over and to be honest, it was super low-key for me. I didn’t wear much make up and when I did, I wore the same simple looks more or less consistently. That means that most of my favourites this month are hair and body related, which probably makes for a nice change if you’re a regular reader of my favourites posts! No wading through endless eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks this month, we’re going back to basics!

My August Favourites 2015

Let’s see what I’ve been loving and why they’re so fantastic!

Make Up

Dr. Pawpaw Balm Freedom Makeup Pro Concealer Light

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The Teashed Bubble Tea Kit Subscription May – Review

As I mentioned in the Versatile Blogger Award, I am a massive tea junkie. I can not get enough of the stuff. My day doesn’t start until I have a cup and I’ll go on to have up to ten more throughout the day. And I don’t discriminate, I love all tea, green , assam, chai, fruit teas, you name it, I’ll drink it. But, if I’m honest, I have a favourite: Bubble Tea! It’s tea in pretty much any flavour you want with tiny bubbles filled with delicious juice that pop it your mouth. Usually, a cup of my favourite bubble tea will set me back around £4 a cup. But, I’ve found a DIY kit from The Teashed that allows you to make two cups for only £5 and it’s a monthly subscription, perfect!

This months flavour was combo was melon tea with strawberry bubbles. Here’s what’s in the kit:

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